
The project Scripta, promoted by doctor Joan Veny and doctora Àngels Massip, began in 1996, under the direction of doctor Veny. The actual project (HUM2005-02821/FILO), directed by doctora Massip, counts with the collaboration of some investigators.

In the project PB96-0238, was started with the compilation of the corpus and the selection, transcription and digitalization of several texts from balear, català central, rossellonès and alguerès. Besides, a database was designed and elaborated which contains a fact sheet with the selected texts; this permits their classification.

In the project BFF2000-0754, the selection transcription and digitalization of the texts from català central, rossellonès, alguerès, nord-occidental and valencià (in total, 1034) was done; the texts were encoded and the linguistic analysis of 200 of them was completed.

In the project HUM2005-02821/FILO, the corpus of balear texts (mallorquí, menorquí and eivissenc) is completed and their linguistic analysis is done, from which a glossary for each variety is elaborated; also an area has been created for the technical database which allows us to look for the linguistic characteristics of the text and visualize the glossary words.

Collaborators: Rubén Fernández, Roser Orquín, Mireia Campabadal, Dolça Albert, Xavier Gomila, Joan Carles Villalonga, Xavier López, Carles Rebassa, Anna Fernàndez, Esther Vaquero, Roger Aluja, Susanna Febrer, Ares Llop and Àlex Arnau.